Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Long time no blog, should be the last big gap for a while.

Hey everyone,
There is a lot that has been going on lately in my life. God is moving and I'm excited to see where it is going to go. We have FINALLY moved into the new band room completely. Only thing missing is outlets for the internet. We have hit the ground running. Looking forward to some marching contests. Anyone sick of the political ads yet? I know I am, however I am actually endorsing a candidate, granted it is for the District 10 state house race here in Oklahoma. Granted if you live in Nowata or northern Washington county, I urge you to vote for Nick Brown. A great guy with vision who cares for the farmer and the urbanite.
       I am going to wrap up today with a poem that I wrote last night about God's presence in our lives. I hope you enjoy.

Where I Am

There one sits alone

Thinking about their cares

Not knowing what to do

They ask is Where I am

A couple stuggles in life

The man unemployed

The wife overworked

Simply asking Where I am

A child lies in bed crying

Scared and confused

Wondering and unknowing

Pondering Where I am.

A generation out of place

A world not seeking

Busy and complacent

Not caring or considering

Forgetting Where I am

But with them all

The one, the couple

The child, the generation

The World

That is Where I am

We forget a lot that the love of Christ is always there. Wen as the family should show that love so no one will forget or even not know the love that we have and are given through Jesus.